Think about it, and you will find a commonality between successful leaders across diverse professions (be it businessmen, politicians, teachers or generals). And that is, almost all of them invariably possess exemplary communication skills.
Therefore, it is no surprise that Individuals and corporates across the globe recognise 'communication skills' as THE most critical factor in achieving career success. And they religiously set about training themselves and their teams in enhancing this particular skill.
Before the internet age, 'communication skills' in the corporate setup primarily meant 'verbal' and 'non-verbal' communication... so training programs were focussed on improving these two areas of an individual's communication abilities. But over the past decade and a half, the digital era has added a new character to the story - email communication! Today, the corporate world converses with each other more through emails than through any other mode of communication.
But quite surprisingly, it seems that most individuals and corporates are yet to recognize the significance of 'email communication' and are therefore oblivious to the Do's and Don'ts of good email etiquette. The number of poorly crafted emails one receives every single day bears testimony to this fact.
So we, at Learnnovators, decided to design an online course on 'E-Mail Etiquette' that establishes how one could put one's career on the fast track, by crafting emails to perfection. Citing real-life examples, the 30-minute course shows how emails are extensions of an individual's personality... and, how they could influence impressions for better or worse.
Here's a teaser of the course:
And here's a FREE module on 'Being Organized' with your emails, just for you!
Click HERE for more details about the course.
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