“When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home.”
The above quote by Betty Bender aptly sums up what we, at Learnnovators, unrelentlessly strive to make our workplace into… a home away from home for our employees. A place where our team members are respected, valued, empowered, recognized, motivated… and engaged!
Today’s forward-thinking organizations are no longer content with keeping their employees “satisfied”… instead, they are spending more and more time designing innovative methods to keep their employees “engaged”.
So what exactly is Employee Engagement?
Since William Kahn provided the first formal definition of Employee Engagement in 1990, there have been scores of definitions doing the rounds. But my personal favorite is the one by Kevin Kruse, who defines Employee Engagement as “The emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals.”
Kevin further adds that “This emotional commitment means engaged employees actually care about their work and their company. They don’t work just for a paycheck, or just for the next promotion, but work on behalf of the organization’s goals.”
It is no surprise then that engaged employees display higher levels of INVOLVEMENT and COMMITMENT to the organization’s goals and values, are more MOTIVATED to contribute to the organization’s success, thereby leading to improved PERFORMANCE and PRODUCTIVITY.
I am glad to share 15 quotes on Employee Engagement that inspire us, at Learnnovators, in our quest for creating A GREAT PLACE FOR GREAT PEOPLE TO DO GREAT WORK! Here they are…
1. “To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” ~ Doug Conant
2. “Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.” ~ Stephen R. Covey
3. “Employees engage with employers and brands when they’re treated as humans worthy of respect.” ~ Meghan Biro
4. “Highly engaged employees make the customer experience. Disengaged employees break it.” ~ Timothy R. Clark
5. “Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” ~ Zig Ziglar
6. “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” ~ Simon Sinek
7. “Your number one customers are your people. Look after employees first and then customers last.” ~ Ian Hutchinson
8. “The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.” ~ Tom Peters
9. “Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.” ~ Mary Kay Ash
10. “Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” ~ Anne M. Mulcahy
11. “Engaged employees are in the game for the sake of the game; they believe in the cause of the organization.” ~ Paul Marciano, PhD
12. “Paychecks can’t buy passion.” ~ Brad Federman
13. “The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel.” ~ Sybil F. Stershic
14. “People want to know they matter and they want to be treated as people. That’s the new talent contract.” ~ Pamela Stroko
15. “Engaged employees stay for what they give (they like their work); disengaged employees stay for what they get (favorable job conditions, growth opportunities, job security).” ~ Blessing White’s The State of Employee Engagement 2008
Which of the above quotes do you particularly like? Do you have your own favorites? What is your take on Employee Engagement? Would be delighted to hear your thoughts…